My life has been shaped by shame.
First, I was focused on one shame, a shame so great I’ve spent years writing about it in a memoir, which I plan to share in the near future.
Shame has lived in me in many forms: abuse, addiction, my family’s experience with murder, jail, my immigrant childhood, my socioeconomic upbringing, lingering self-loathing, shame I was not smart enough, not talented enough, no matter the accreditations, degrees and fancy professional titles.
I think we wake up with shame and go to sleep with shame.
I realized through this inner work, but it’s my calling to help others de-shame themselves. I have learned you can be discerning, but not judgmental, when it comes to work, love and life.
Right now, that shows in my literary work where I speak honestly about my lived experience in vulnerable, candid and poetic ways. It is also present in my work coaching and consulting thought leaders as they navigate the best ways to communicate and amplify their voice in the world with compassion and clarity.
My work attempts to shine light on this universal experience as a means to manifest true art, language and action that heals this weary world.
My dream is for all of us to live in a post-shame world. This looks like working with powerful thinkers and creators to bring nourishing and dynamic work into this world by creating audacious spaces of open communication and deep listening that leads to networks of impact and love in the world far beyond our worlds of work.
I want to know: What is a generative way to live life through that?
I want to be one of the antidote to the heaviness of shame for you, for me, for all of us. Let’s break the cycle, together. I believe this is my life’s work.